“We create added value for our partners guided by our values: sincerity, modesty, readiness, dedication, quality, professionalism and reliability.”
We offer custom made consulting services, designed jointly with our clients, in order to ensure they make part of their corporate development strategy.
Curriculum Vitae
Kostas Ioannidis is an Economist with a Master-Executive MBA and partner of the Athens University of Economics and Business.
He has an extensive experience in the fields of Business Administration and Reorganization, Intercorporate Communication, Human Resources Development and Management.
He is specialized in Coaching from T.I. (UK), he has an Advanced Diploma in Personal & Executive Coaching from the Kingstown College and is a Certified Lead Auditor (I.R.C.A. – International Register of Certified Auditors).
Being a strong supporter of continuous vocational training, he has successfully participated in many training courses, including Developing as a Leader / Harvard Business Publishing (1 year), ALBA Executive Leadership (1 year) and Trainers Training / IBCT – International Board of Certified Trainers.
He has worked in Executive positions at Multinational companies and large private sector Groups, while he has been General Manager at Public Utility sectors. He also served as Chairman of the JCI Hellas.
Collaborating with private companies and public organizations, he carried out more than 3000 hours of speech concerning the following themes: Management, Communication, Customer Service, Human Resources Development, Total Quality, Strategic and Business Planning, Project Management.
Today he is a Business Coach and he successfully implements the coaching method as being a process of changing and improving the business performance as well as developing human resources, bringing it to the level of “champion”, namely the one that can set high goals and achieve them.
As a Business Coach, he works with Greek and multinational companies and has successfully completed many projects that helped to develop and improve the business efficiency.
His articles on Management and Business Coaching are published in financial journals and newspapers.